The point is, there is no point.
And that’s exactly what’s fun about Talk Like a Pirate Day specifically, and talking like a pirate in general.
This according to the creators of Talk Like a Pirate Day on their website, which is of course called, where you can find all you ever wanted to know about the holiday.
In celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day, all Owensboro Long John Silver’s locations will be giving away fish all day long on Saturday, September 19th. In fact, LJS is the “official 2015 sponsor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day.”
Talk like a pirate and you get a free fish tender.
Dress like a pirate and you get a free 2-piece fish basket. You can even substitute chicken if you want.
To help you celebrate, Long John’s even has a pirate name generator and other fun things on their website.
Just in case you’re curious, here’s a quick history: TLAPD was started by John Baur and Mark Summers in June of 1995 during a racquetball game. For some odd ball reason, one of the guys slipped into pirate lingo during the match. “By the time our hour on the court was over, we realized that lapsing into pirate lingo had made the game more fun and the time pass more quickly. We decided then and there that what the world really needed was a new national holiday, Talk Like A Pirate Day,” the guys recall on their website.
John and Mark, along with some of their friends, began talking like a pirate on September 19th every year following. When national columnist Dave Barry wrote a column about TLAPD in 2002, the idea really took off.
You’ve got one day to practice. So here are some pirate talk basics with definitions:
Ahoy! = “Hello!”
Avast! – “Stop and give attention.” It can be used in a sense of surprise, like “Whoa!” or “Check it out” or “No way!”
Aye! – “Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did.”
Aye aye! – “I’ll get right on that, captain.”
Arrr! – “Yes,” “I agree,” “I’m happy.” It is often confused with “arrrgh,” which implies pain.