Take a world-class touring band “Old Salt Union” plus “Shawn Brasher” (this is a change of entertainment) in the courtyard, add the Wulfe Brothers, with a generous helping of Gospel on the River, stir in three Class Pre-Unions and let it set outside under a beautiful sunset and you have a great Friday coming!
There are several special additions for this week. Here are the highlights:
1) Patio: R&B Foods sponsors the “Wulfe Brothers” (Top 40) 6:30-10pm
2) Atmos Courtyard: Shawn Brasher (Acoustic) 7-10
3) Don Moore Party Pier: Old Salt Union (Mix of BG and country rock) 7:30-11pm
4) Gospel on the River returns courtesy of Glenn Family Services with the legendary “Charlie McCoy” (look him up!) and Paul Mosley & Friends 7pm-9pm
5) Family Night at the Kroger Street Fair includes an “International Night ”
6) TD’s is sending in “Darth Vader & Princess Leia” of Star Wars fame to be part of the party!
7) Free FA5 Foto Booth.
8) PreUnions:
Apollo 1974-75
Catholic High 1980
Bremen 1980
In addition, there will be a Greater Owensboro Young Chamber “Meet & Greet” tonight as part of the Friday After 5 Festivities, from 7:30–11pm at the Owensboro Convention Center. Questions: contact Jessica Kirk at the Chamber: 270.926.1860
Here’s a link to all of the detail for this Friday: www.FridayAfter5.com/event/jul24
Also, August 1st is the last day to register online for the Friday After 5k (5k race) taking place on August 21st beginning and ending at the foot of St. Ann Street. Here is a link with more info and registration information. LINK