Discover the Dinosaurs is a unique, hands-on exhibit that consists of up to 40 moving and replica museum quality dinosaurs that gives you the opportunity to actually get close and touch the dinosaurs!
Beyond the exhibit, additional fun activities are available for kids of all ages, which make spending the day with the dinosaurs a great experience for the entire family.
Discover the Dinosaurs features a walk-through exhibit that consists of dinosaur scenes. Each scene represents dinosaurs from a period of time that best reflects when the dinosaurs lived. The scenes engage you with sight, sound, and motion by using special lighting, sound effects, animatronics, and fog. The backdrops, rocks, flooring, and plant materials are designed to bring you back in time to a landscape where dinosaurs lived.
Some of the dinosaurs in the exhibit come to life with sound and movement. By a push of a button, YOU control the motion of many of the animatronic dinosaurs. This interactivity delights many young guests and gives them an opportunity to learn while making them move, breathe and even roar to life. You can even control the movement of their heads, arms, tails and more by pressing the button on the display that corresponds to its body parts. No matter what your age, this is a fun experience not found in museums.
Along with the animatronic dinosaurs in the exhibit that move, static dinosaur replicas are featured throughout the exhibit. The “static” dinosaur replicas are of museum quality, and anatomically proportioned to reflect paleontologists documented findings. Many of these replicas are positioned safely in the exhibit, so you can touch and feel them. This is encouraged and a cornerstone of the Discover the Dinosaurs experience.
Friday, August 7th (12pm – 9pm)
Saturday, August 8th (10am – 8pm)
Sunday, August 9th (10am – 7pm)
Pricing (taxes included):
Adults – $18 (13yrs & older)
Children – $16 (2-12yrs) EXHIBIT ONLY
Children – $22 (2-12yrs) EXHIBIT PLUS
Seniors – $16 (65+)
Children 24 months & under FREE