Want to save a little money? And conserve water too? Making a rain barrel is the perfect answer. That’s why our Regional Water Resource Agency is partnering with the Daviess County Cooperative Extension Service to host a workshop to explain the “why”s and “how”s of rain barrel construction. Participants pay $20 and walk away with their own rain barrel and plenty of information to share with friends and family. If you’re the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” type – this workshop is just for you.
“The goal of the workshop is to teach participants how to build their own rain barrel and how to use it,” said Annette Meyer Heisdorffer, Daviess County Extension Agent for Horticulture. “Rain barrels reduce storm water runoff by capturing water from the roof of homes and other buildings to serve as a source of water for our landscape and garden plants.”
RWRA will hold the workshop at Joseph Murphy Operations building on the corner of Grimes Ave & Parrish Ave on Thursday, October 2, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. till noon. The workshop was funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and will be presented by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Registration fee is $20. To register, call (270) 685-8480 by the September 30 deadline.