Seventy-eight works of art in a wide variety of media by 37 art and humanities students at Owensboro Catholic High School will be exhibited at the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art from May 25 to July 31.
The exhibition will be featured in the museum’s Waymond O. Morris Young at Art Gallery and is sponsored by AT&T.
A reception for the artists and their families is scheduled Saturday, May 28, from 2 – 3 p.m. and the public is invited to attend.
The exhibitors are students of Edward Miller, Chair, Fine Art Department and instructor of art and humanities courses at Owensboro Catholic High School. The exhibition showcases works created in the classroom during the 2015-2016 school year.
Included are three-dimensional works in glass, featuring stained glass panels, and fused and slumped glass bowls. Sculpture created in humanities classes include architectural models based on historic Italian structures. Examples of hand-built pottery and linoleum cut prints are also featured.
A large collection of monochromatic self-portraits by art students are complemented by paintings of botanical subjects, musicians, and landscapes.