The 66th Annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) is being observed throughout Owensboro on Thursday, May 4, 2017, with several events in the community. Read more about NDP here. Follow Owensboro NDP on Facebook.
Wednesday, May 3
- National Day of Prayer Student Rally will be held at Settle Memorial, from 6:30-8pm. Jenny & Jason Koger will be the guest speakers. Sponsored by LYNC Ministries.
Thursday, May 4
- The Owensboro Family YMCA is hosting a Prayer Breakfast from 7am-8am. Start your day with a time of worship and prayer in the YMCA gym (900 Kentucky Parkway).
- The Circle of Good News Bible Reading will take place from 11:30-11:50am at the courthouse lawn. Join hundreds to read assigned-upon-arrival Bible verses so that in 20 minutes the entire Bible will be read aloud, simultaneously. No pre-registration necessary. Participants are asked to get your assigned reading at the base of the flagpole. (RAIN? Bring your umbrella.)
- Noon Prayer and Worship Event. The community is invited to gather at the courthouse lawn (inside if rain) from noon – 1pm for a time of prayer, praise, and testimonies.