The Playpark Fun Fitness Challenge is an exciting eight week program for youngsters designed with one goal: To inspire children to make healthy life choices by promoting an active daily routine.
The child’s progress will be tacked by a chart posted within the Playpark. Weekly health tip “trading cards” will be sent home with the child as well as an interactive Bingo Game Card with tracking stickers that, once completed, can be returned to the Playpark for a healthy reward.
At the end of the program, each child who has participated in the Fun Fitness Challenge will receive a free t-shirt. The Fun Fitness Challenge is specially designed for children whose parents are Healthpark members, ages 2 – 11 and the program is included in the regular $3.50 sitting fee.
The program schedule is as follows:
• Week 1 (March 2-7): ”Shuttle Run” relay race
• Week 2 (March 9-14): Dancing to a Song
• Week 3 (March 16-21): Roll the Dice games
• Week 4 (March 23-28): Parachute games
• Week 5 (March 30-April 4): Dance video fun
• Week 6 (April 6-10): Spring Break Week – Review of activities from previous five weeks
• Week 7 (April 20-25): Balloon fun – Balloon tennis, popping bubbles, bubble wrap jumping
• Week 8 (April 27-May 1): Final relay race
For more information go to, or call Deborah Seaton at 270-688-4775.
Contact: Rachael Frey, Owensboro Health Marketing & Public Relations, (O) 270-685-7194, (C) 270-993-0743, [email protected].