Cravens Elementary has received the highest rating possible for year one of its Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) system from the Green River Regional Educational Cooperative.
Cravens was presented with the Bronze Fidelity recognition for the 2016-17 school year. In order to qualify for the award, data is pulled from a variety of sources including how well students and staff understand PAWS (Cravens School Wide Expectations) and how frequently positive reinforcers are earned.
“What an honor to score this high in our first year of implementation! I’d like to thank all of our staff and students for buying into this new behavior model and executing it so well,” said Cortney Inklebarger, Cravens principal.
GRREC recently assessed Cravens for its on-the-spot fluency for the current school year and says the school is meeting all of its growth goals.
“The climate feels good from the moment of entry. Students are excited to share PAWS and explain their recognition. The ongoing support at Cravens is to be commended,” said Lisa Loague, GRREC regional PBIS coach.