Theater Workshop of Owensboro (TWO) is presenting “Shakespeare at Smothers,” featuring two performances of Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night.
The show will be performed at Smothers Park on two consecutive Sundays, July 26 and August 2, at 5:00 PM.
“We’re really excited about it,” said Mike Quinn of TWO. “It’s a great play!”
Both performances are free and open to the public. Patrons are encouraged to bring folding chairs for their comfort.
Local playwright Rebecca Wright, originally from McClean county, will be directing the play. “Rebecca used to be the Education Director here at TWO,” said Executive Director Todd Reynolds.
Rebecca is now getting her doctorate in theater at Texas Tech, but she is home for the summer. Todd says Wright loves Shakespeare and volunteered to help TWO this summer, so Shakespeare at Smothers is what they came up.
“We thought, why not do this right down on the riverfront where people are always walking around?” Reynolds said, in hopes of attracting new people to TWO through community events. “This is a win-win. It’s making Rebecca happy. We’re happy to get her plugged in again at TWO, and hopefully the public will come and enjoy it.”
Rebecca has also written a play that TWO will put in the rotation next season called Silhouette of Elizabeth Keckley. Elizabeth Keckley was Mary Todd Lincoln’s dress maker.
For more information about Shakespeare at Smothers, call (270) 683-5333.