The city of Owensboro’s Parks and Recreation Department will be closing Rudy Mine Trails temporarily due to current wet conditions, in order to prevent any major damage that could lead to erosion problems. Conditions will be re-evaluated Monday morning.
During this time of the year the freeze thaw cycle is in effect. The freeze thaw cycle is when temperatures drop in the night enough for the moisture in the ground to freeze and then during the day temperatures get high enough for the ground to thaw out causing the ground to get soft. Use of the trail when the ground is soft and vulnerable will cause damage and can lead to severe erosion problems.
Please help us keep the trails in good condition. If you decide to ride or hike through the winter months and notice you are leaving tracks in the trail, please make your way to the double track trail and exit the park.
If you have any questions about Rudy Mine Trails, please call the Owensboro Parks and Recreation Department at 270-687-8700.