Owensboro High School’s theatre group, the Rose Curtain Players won first runner up for Best Play at last weekend’s Southeastern Theatre Conference in Chattanooga, Tenn. The Rose Curtain Players’ production of Jerry Finnegan’s Sister beat out 18 other plays to claim second place overall. The two-person show also produced the conference’s Best Actor John Thomas Priar, and Kelsey Reese was named to the All-Star Cast.
“We are thrilled and proud to bring home these honors to both Owensboro Public Schools and the Kentucky Theatre Association. Placing first runner up at a festival this prestigious is truly an honor,” said Carolyn Greer, Rose Curtain Players Director.
“I was shocked. It’s one of those memories I’ll carry with me the rest of my life. I couldn’t have done this without my fellow actress Kelsey Reese, the crew and of course my director Carolyn Greer,” said John Thomas Priar, OHS student.
To compete at the conference, your school has to either be state champion or state runner up. The Rose Curtain Players were state runner up earlier this school year. The group competed against 19 schools from ten other southeastern states.
“Congratulations to all involved in another successful run at SETC. Our Theatre program continues to reinvent and redefine what a public school can do in the arts,” said Tom Stites, OPS Fine Arts Coordinator.
This is not the first time the Rose Curtain Players have represented Kentucky well at the Southeastern Theatre Conference. Here’s a list of their past awards:
Sixth year in a row placing in the top two in the state to move on to SETC
Best Play – Among Friends and Clutter (’13)
Two Best Actor awards (’10 & ‘15)
One Best Supporting Actress award (’12)
Thirteen All-Star Cast awards
Best Costumes (’06)
Best Sound Design (’12)
Best Director (’13)