Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, Owensboro Public Schools will introduce a new leadership model at Owensboro Middle School North. This model is part of an education leadership program that was designed and developed by The Wallace Foundation and Western Kentucky University.
The new leadership model will take the traditional role of a principal and divide it among two leaders. One will be responsible for administrative management and operations; the other will be responsible for instructional functions.
“This model separates the two largest jobs in schools,” said OMS-North Principal, Anita Burnette who will oversee the transition during the upcoming school year. “Principals often get focused on the operations side of things, but when you separate that from the instructional side, you allow the ability for one person to focus solely on curriculum, instruction and evaluation and make sure it is where it needs to be if you want to succeed as a school.”
This leadership model was promoted by Western Kentucky University, which was one of only seven universities with principal preparation programs invited by The Wallace Foundation to participate. The program is designed to look differently at how principals are prepared to be leaders in their districts.
Through this program, Owensboro Public Schools and Western Kentucky University will work together on a Leader Tracking System that is a requirement of the Wallace Foundation. The Leader Tracking System will be used to identify leaders in the district and provide feedback to see how candidates are performing, determine where there may be gaps and develop candidates to become principals in the future.
“Owensboro Public Schools was one of the original districts we wanted to be a part of this because of our previous relationship with them,” said Dr. Marguerita DeSander, Project Director and Principal Investigator at Western Kentucky University. “Dr. Brake is very innovative in how he thinks about education and we are excited for the opportunity to work closely with the district and make this a sustainable model for the future.”
At OMS-North next school year, Randy Bryant will take on the role of Administrative Manager and will oversee the operations of the school and Alicia Farry will be responsible for instructional functions. Both are currently in assistant principal roles at the school. Current principal Anita Burnette will remain as head principal for the 2018-19 school year and will act as a consultant to help Bryant and Farry adjust to the new structure.
“Randy and Alicia were identified as two leaders who could thrive in this model,” said Burnette. “I look forward to helping them integrate into this model that will greatly help us grow as a school.”