In its third year, Owensboro High School’s Early College program produced six students who will graduate high school with their diploma and an Associate Degree. The program is a partnership between OHS and Owensboro Community and Technical College. OHS students spend a large part of their school day during their junior and senior year taking classes at the OCTC main campus.
“I’m incredibly proud of all of our students who’ve taken advantage of this unique program. This really opens a lot of doors for our students. They can now transfer those credits earned at OCTC to a four-year university. Many will start out as juniors in college at 18-years old,” said John DeLacey, OHS principal.
Last year, OHS had its first student graduate with their high school diploma and Associate Degree.
“To produce six graduates this year shows more students are taking advantage of this wonderful program. They’re receiving a high-quality college education at a cost of only their books for each class,” said Dr. Nick Brake, OPS Superintendent.
“We are truly proud of the six OHS students who have taken advantage of the Early College program. We are excited that many more of our young people will achieve similar accomplishments as a result of our continuing partnership with Owensboro Public Schools,” said Dr. Stacy Edds-Ellis, OCTC Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Those students who earned their Associate Degree are:
- Aliyah Burden,
- Kathryn Feldpausch,
- Leah Fulkerson,
- James Blake Howard,
- Tyler Sovar
- and Trinity Washington.
“I cannot thank OHS and OCTC enough for the incredible opportunity I was provided with during my years at OHS. This will allow me to finish getting my bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Louisville early and let me be one step closer to becoming a veterinarian,” said Trinity Washington, Early College student.