Preschool and kindergarten registration is now open for Owensboro Public Schools and Daviess County Public Schools.
OPS Preschool and Kindergarten Registration Information
Owensboro Public Schools will be accepting registration for all students who will attend preschool or kindergarten for the first time next year from March 7-March 18 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the school the child will attend in the fall.
To Register for Kindergarten:
Parents should visit the elementary school their children will attend and complete application forms. Registering for next year’s preschoolers and kindergarten is important in helping schools prepare for next year. If you are not sure which school your child will attend, please call central office at (270)-686-1000.
Kindergarten registration is open to children who will be 5 years old by Oct. 1, 2016. Kindergarten is a full-day program Monday through Friday.
Preschool Registration:
Hager Preschool will begin accepting applications March 7 for the 2016-17 state-funded KERA preschool/Head Start program. Preschool is available free of charge to children who will be 3 or 4 years old by August 1, 2016, AND whose families meet income eligibility guidelines. This program is also available to 3- and 4-year old children who are determined to have a developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: speech/language, cognition (learning), social skills, or motor movement. Preschool is provided Monday-Thursday, 3.5 hour session per day. Tuition openings are also available at the rate of $175 per month or on a sliding fee scale according to documented income.
To register, please call 270-686-1125 to schedule an appointment with a Family Advocate PRIOR to March 7, 2016. Hager Preschool is located at 1701 West 7th Street. Preschool forms are available online but must be completed at the school.
Enrollment forms can be downloaded from the Owensboro Public Schools’ Website at: Those forms can be filled out online, printed, and taken to the school. Forms will also be available at the school at the time of registration.
What to bring to registration: Items your child’s school will need for new student enrollment include original birth certificate, child’s Social Security card and the following medical records on a Kentucky Form Only: physical examination record, immunization certificate, vision examination performed by an eye doctor and a dental screening/exam completed after the child’s 5th birthday.
DCPS Preschool and Kindergarten Registration Information
The Daviess County Public Schools district has scheduled registration for children who will begin preschool or kindergarten beginning in August 2016. Parents may register students between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. weekdays from Monday, March 7, through Friday, March 18.
Parents may visit the school their child will attend to complete an application, or preschool and kindergarten applications are available on the DCPS website. Visit and click on the red “Parents” tab, then select “How to Enroll,” then “Preschool” or “Kindergarten.” Forms may be filled out electronically, then printed and taken to the school your child will attend.
Kindergarten is open to all children who will be 5 on or before Oct. 1.
Preschool is available at all 12 DCPS elementary schools to children who will be 3 years old on or before Aug. 1 and who either meet Head Start eligibility requirements or are identified with a delay or disability; and children who will be 4 years old by Aug. 1 who meet income guidelines or are identified with a delay or disability. Preschool is offered in morning and afternoon sessions, Monday through Thursday each week.
Free screenings are available to all DCPS families with preschool-age children to help determine if there are any educational concerns.
Fee-based preschool slots are available within DCPS elementary schools for children who do not qualify for free preschool based on household income or if the child is identified with a delay.
The DCPS district provides free transportation. Breakfast and lunch are also available.
For more information, parents may call (270) 852-7000 or visit their neighborhood elementary school; or go to and select “Preschool” under the “Departments” tab at the left side of the page.