The Daviess County High School drama program is hosting a summer drama camp for students entering grades 1-9 next fall. The camp is open from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday, June 19-23, in the DCHS performing arts center. The school is located at 4255 New Hartford Road.
Campers will experience a variety of theater-related activities and participate in a special performance on Friday afternoon.
Advance registration is encouraged by registration will be taken at the door. Fee is $75 per student and includes a T-shirt, snacks and daily prizes. Payment by cash or check (payable to DCHS) is due at check-in on June 19.
Participants are also invited to sign up for additional sessions in speech camp, learning how to make effective oral presentations. Members of the DCHS Speech Team will work with campers as they present stories, poems, and speeches and learn the elements of competitive speech. This add-on camp experience is open to students entering grades 5-9 and is scheduled from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, June 19-21. Cost is $25.
Online registration and more information are available at
For more information, contact DCHS speech and drama coach Karen Feldhaus at 270-302-5814 or [email protected]