The College and Career Expo has been held in Louisville for nearly 25 years. This year, the expo is expanding its reach even further by hosting the first ever College & Career Expo for Western Kentucky and Southwest Indiana this Sunday in Owensboro. With over 100 exhibitors, it is the largest recruiting event in the region for those planning to attend college or searching for a new job.
Visit with representatives from hundreds of colleges, universities and vocational schools.
Learn about adult learning programs, talk with career consultants, and meet local job recruiters.
In addition, employers from throughout the region will provide information on jobs, career opportunities and internship programs within their companies.
- Free Admission & Free Parking.
- More than $250,000 in scholarships available.
- Free iPad mini given away every hour.
Click here to see a list of exhibitors.
Find them on Facebook here.
Special thanks to all the sponsors: Owensboro Community & Technical College, Owensboro Health, Owensboro Parent Magazine & Owensboro Living Magazine, and the National Center for Hospitality Studies.
Superintendents at Owensboro Public, Owensboro Catholic, Daviess County, McLean County, Hancock County, Muhlenberg County and Ohio County have all endorsed the event and are in support of having this exciting opportunity for students.