Heaven Modl, a student at Apollo High School who also takes dual credit courses at Owensboro Community and Technical College, has been awarded a full scholarship to attend OCTC as a full-time student this fall, and a paid internship from Cummins Sales and Service / Diesel Motors and Generators in Evansville.
Modl is the first person in OCTC history and the first female ever to be awarded this internship.
Modl recently completed her junior year at Apollo High School but has earned credits to qualify for early graduation. She will be awarded her diploma during commencement ceremonies at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 18, at the Owensboro Sportscenter.
Jeremy Camron, who serves as College and Career Readiness Coordinator at Apollo High School, said, “Heaven is very intelligent; a brilliant student who never let gender stereotypes determine what she wants to do with her life.” Camron said Modl qualified for the Cummins internship based on outstanding scores on an aptitude test and an interview, as well as her successful participation in the diesel mechanics program at OCTC.
Modl will begin classes at OCTC this fall and will begin the paid internship upon turning age 18. Upon successful completion of the internship program, she is guaranteed to receive two years of employment at Cummins.
Modl learned about the diesel technology program through a campus visit to OCTC when she was a sophomore at Apollo High School. AHS and the Daviess County Public Schools district are committed to providing college campus visits to all students beginning in elementary school as part of our “Great Expectations” initiative.