Dive in to the Owensboro Parks and Recreation Department’s Learn to Swim Lessons and Pre-School Aquatics at Cravens Pool. Sessions throughout the summer are listed below:
Session 3 ……………..July 6-10 ………. Registration Deadline June 26.
Session 4 …………….July 20-24………..Registration Deadline July 10
Classes will follow the teaching guidelines and test procedures set by the American Red Cross. Learn to Swim classes and Pre-School Aquatics are 45 minutes in length and cost $40 per session. Class times are available for all ages and levels at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. There will be 15 minutes of free swim for each session at 5:45 p.m.
At the end of the course enjoy two free passes to skate at the Edge Ice Center, plus free swimming on Saturdays at Cravens Pool .
To register, please contact the Owensboro Parks and Recreation Department’s Administrative Center at 270-687-8700. For information on City of Owensboro parks, recreation facilities, and summer programs please visit our website at www.owensboroparks.org.