At the Staff Opening Day Celebration for all Owensboro Public Schools employees on Tuesday, August 8th, 2017, representatives of the Foundation for Excellence Owensboro Independent Schools announced the recipients of the mini-grants for the school year 2017-2018 and presented ceremonial checks to each. They are as follows:
- Estes Elementary School – $550 for Early Learning Academy STEM learning project for science instruction
- Newton Parrish Elementary School – $500 for Boys2Men & Girls Etiquette Life Skills
- Sutton Elementary School – $1,130 for All Pro Dad Program to engage fathers with their children
- Gateway Academy at OIA and OHS – $2,905 for Gas Masonry Mixer for NCCER education project and future masonry jobs
- Owensboro High School – $750 for World History Books (Novels)
- Owensboro High School – $800 for Early Child Care Career Pathways
- Cravens Elementary School – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Estes Elementary School – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Foust Elementary School – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Newton Parrish Elem. School – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Sutton Elementary School – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Hager Preschool – $800 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Owensboro Middle School North – $500 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Owensboro Middle School South – $500 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Owensboro Innovation Academy – $250 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Gateway Academy – $250 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
- Owensboro High School – $1,000 for Instructional Supplies and Programs
Total: $13,935
OPS employees donated $13,923 to the Foundation during the school year 2016-2017. This includes contributions from teachers, aides, and administrators, as well as many cafeteria, maintenance, and office employees – most from regular payroll deductions. The Foundation Board of Trustees votes to give back at least the same amount, if not more, that employees have donated in the form of grants to each school on a yearly basis.
The OPS district has a 30% employee participation in Foundation contributions which is a very high rate for K-12 schools according to the National School Foundation Association. This shows the depth of caring from our employees and the needs involved.