This new travel show is hosted by J.D. Scott, one of the “Scott brothers” featured on several HGTV shows. Scott visited Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari in August along with a family of park fans from Lexington, Kentucky.
“When the producers asked us to post on our Facebook page that they were looking for a ‘super-fan with a deep connection to the park,’ they were amazed to immediately receive many hundreds of emails,” says park president Matt Eckert. “Ultimately, they selected Gwen Lehmkuhler – who worked here seasonally as a teenage back in the 1990s – and two of her children to introduce Holiday World to J.D. Scott and the viewing audience.”
While at Holiday World, Scott and the Lehmkuhlers visited with Santa Claus and then rode Mammoth, the world’s longest water coaster, plus HallowSwings and The Voyage wooden roller coaster. Scott, who’d spent his summer visiting dozens of amusement parks for his show, declared The Voyage to be his favorite wooden roller coaster.
Great American Country satellite and cable TV channel is available in more than 62 million U.S. households. The “Themed Parks” episode of All-American Amusement Parks will premiere this Thursday at 8pm ET (7pm CT) and will air again on Friday at midnight plus Saturday at 4:30pm ET.