The Foundation for Daviess County Public Schools is pleased to announce acceptance of nominations for the organization’s Focus Awards 2016.
During spring 2016, the Foundation Board of Directors will select one $1000 Focus Award grant recipient in each of the following areas:
· Health,
· Literacy,
· Technology
· Great Expectations.
Focus Awards strive to reward teachers and school staff excelling in providing innovative and creative programming to DCPS students.
The public is invited to submit nominations via the Foundation web site or by emailing information to Executive Director Vicki Quisenberry [email protected].
Nomination information must include:
· nominee name
· focus area – health, literacy, technology or Great Expectations
· school
· nominator name and contact information
· short narrative concerning why the person deserves to receive the $1000 award
DCPS teachers and staff may apply for a Focus Award without a nomination.
Nominations/applications must be received on or before February 19, 2016, to be considered for Focus Award grants.
A selection committee will review the nominations. Focus Award $1000 grants will be presented to recipients through big check presentations in DCPS schools in the spring.
Focus Awards are funded by donations from individuals and businesses who wish to build a stronger community through enhancing education. Individuals and businesses may invest in the district’s 11,500+ students by mailing donations to:
Foundation for DCPS
Attn: Becky Whitehead, Treasurer
P.O. Box 21510
Owensboro, KY 42304
Investments may also be made through the Foundation’s secure on-line giving site
Those with questions about the Foundation and Foundation programs may contact the Foundation at (270) 231-5583 or email Vicki Quisenberry [email protected].