The Daviess County Public Schools district is participating in a statewide focus on school attendance, which will culminate with “High Attendance Day” on Thursday, Sept. 18. The campaign is sponsored by the Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel.
Ja Wilson, DCPS director of student services, said good attendance is a key element in a child’s academic success. He encourages parents to support good attendance. “One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic: going to school every day,” he said. “In fact, research has shown that your child’s attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing her academic success. By attending class regularly, your child is more likely to keep up with the daily lessons and assignments which will lead to obtaining important learning benchmarks.”
DCPS schools are a place where kids want to be! Our classrooms are filled with excitement about teaching and learning throughout the year.
[tw-divider]School Highlights:[/tw-divider]
Audubon Elementary School
Each grade level at Audubon will celebrate High Attendance Day on Sept. 18 with special activities:
Kindergarten – Outside group games
Grade 1 – Movie or board games or outside group games
Grade 2 – Bring your favorite board game or outside kickball
Grade 3 – Movie or board games or outside group games
Grade 4 – Special lunch with a movie
Grade 5 – Dress-up day
Country Heights Elementary School
CHES students who have perfect attendance from Sept. 8 to Oct. 3 will be eligible for prize drawings and will also earn a visit to Smothers Park on Oct. 3. Each class that has perfect attendance on Sept. 18 will get to treat the teacher to the Ice Bucket Challenge on Friday, Sept. 19. It’s all part of BAM – Best Attendance Month – at Country Heights!
Deer Park Elementary School
DPES is celebrating great attendance all week from Sept. 15-19. Homerooms will be given a 100% attendance banner to hang in the hall each day their class has perfect attendance for this week. Rewards will be given each day to students who are present and on time:
Monday: Each student will earn 5 minutes of extra recess
Tuesday: Each student will earn an attendance pencil
Wednesday: Each student will earn an attendance bookmark
Thursday: Each student will earn a jump rope and will be able to participate in an event selected by the class
Friday: Each student will earn a ‘no homework pass’
On High Attendance Day, Sept. 18, a “Jump Rope Assembly” is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. View for more information. Each grade level will brainstorm a fun activity to enjoy if their grade level has perfect attendance on Sept. 18. Ideas include a kickball game, shaving cream fun, make slime, bubbles, water balloons, etc.
East View Elementary School
EVES is hosting special guest Jeremy Mattingly, executive chef of the Owensboro Country Club, who will use a chainsaw to carve a special East View ice sculpture from 9 to 11 a.m. Sept. 18. The “Frozen” theme day will continue with a visit from the Kona ice truck from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Other prizes, rewards and activities are scheduled throughout the month.
Highland Elementary School
“Buzz, Buzz, Buzz” for perfect attendance at Highland! the school PTO and Family Resource Center have teamed up to collect and donate prizes to be given away day, Sept. 8 through Oct. 3. On High Attendance Day, Sept. 18, one lucky student will win a Nintendo DSi. Sept. 18 is also Picture Day; the HES administrators will be taking Polaroid Spirit photos throughout the day.
Meadow Lands Elementary School
MLES will celebrate High Attendance Day with a fun “pajama day” and prize drawings throughout the day.
Sorgho Elementary School
SES is sponsoring prize drawings throughout the month. Other special activities throughout September include the following schedule of celebrations: Sept. 12, hat day; Sept. 15, wear your clothes inside out; Sept. 19, crazy sock day; Sept. 22, crazy necktie day; Sept. 29, favorite sports team colors.
Southern Oaks Elementary School
SOES faculty and staff members will dress up as “super heroes” with a special super hero cartoon in the afternoon.
Tamarack Elementary School
Tamarack students and staff will celebrate the day with “Random Dancing” at the top of each hour. Classes with perfect attendance will be rewarded with double time on the playground, and Little Caesar’s Pizza will be served at lunch.
West Louisville Elementary School
WLES students will “dress for success” with special photograph sessions in the morning, followed by a PTO-sponsored water day from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and from noon to 1:30 p.m. The day will feature two inflatable water slides and a variety of games with lots of water. Members of the local fire department will be the school’s special guests at this event!
Burns Middle School
BMS students and staff will wear school colors on Sept. 18 for “All-Out Blue and Gold Day.” A pep rally starts at 1:45 p.m. and everyone will participate in a “Stash Bash,” creating and wearing unique mustaches.