Owensboro Health Regional Hospital and Owensboro Museum of Fine Art are partnering to create a community painting.
The community painting event will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2017, in the lobby of Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. Community members of all ages are welcome to come and contribute to the painting, said Debbie Zuerner Johnson, director of Community Engagement at Owensboro Health.
This event is similar to the painting project conducted annually during the Owensboro Health Arts in the Community event at the Owensboro Regional Farmers Market. Once completed, the community painting will hang in the lobby of Owensboro Health Regional Hospital.
“We wanted to bring this event within the walls of the hospital,” Zuerner Johnson said.
According to Owensboro Museum of Fine Art Director Mary Bryan Hood, the partnership is a part of the museum’s ongoing community engagement model to offer free educational services in the visual arts to the community, state, and region. The initial painting event resulted in the production of a color note card depicting the docking of a steam wheeler on the Ohio River at the foot of Frederica Street.
“The community painting project is a continuation of the successful model developed by the museum’s education staff and conducted at various events and venues, including the opening of Riverfront Crossing in downtown Owensboro and at farmers’ market events sponsored by Owensboro Health,” Hood said.
“The community painting project is one part of what we hope to be a series of annual events in the Owensboro Health Arts in Healing Program,” Zuerner Johnson said. “The Arts in Healing Program is an extension of the vision laid out by the Arts Design Committee at Owensboro Health, and a strategic effort to incorporate the arts within the health system setting.”
Zuerner Johnson said Owensboro Health embraces the connection between art and health, as evidenced by the incorporation of artwork throughout Owensboro Health Regional Hospital, including outdoor space. Zuerner Johnson said the goal is to take this work further, as there is evidence that health and wellness can be positively influenced by music and the arts.