MentorKids KY is hosting a unique fundraising event, “Let’s Pretend We Like Each Other,” a comedy night featuring local comedian Ben Cecil, coming up Jan. 29, 2016 at Bellevue Baptist Church (4950 Hwy 56).
“This should be a night full of wholesome laughter that all should enjoy,” says Meghan Hausner, Program Assistant for MentorKids KY.
Refreshments will be provided after the show.
Tickets can be purchased at the MentorKids office at 2815 Veach Road, or online at .
Tickets Prices:
- $15 Before Dec. 31
- $20 Jan. 1- 28
- $25 Day of event
All proceeds will go to support MentorKids Kentucky which serves children in our community from single parent and non-traditional households by providing them with an adult Christian mentor.
For more information, call the MentorKids office at 270-926-6893.