The Owensboro Sanitation Department will soon begin converting its equipment over for leaf collection duties. After that conversion is complete, the department will not be able to collect yard waste items that are not bagged for collection.
The final opportunity to have limbs and brush collected will be on our customer’s last scheduled trash collection day during the week of October 13-17. During that week, trucks will make a final pass through neighborhoods. The last day for collections will be:
- Monday customers: 13 October
- Tuesday customers: 14 October
- Wednesday customers: 15 October
- Thursday customers: 16 October
- Friday customers: 17 October
Crews will collect items that are six inches in diameter or smaller. Please remember to have items out by 6:00 AM on collection day and that we are unable to collect root balls, dirt or contractor cuttings. Please remember to bag loose material such as garden cuttings and trimmings. Crews will continue to collect yard waste items that are bagged and placed curbside throughout leaf collection season. As always, there are no additional charges for yard waste collections.
Leaf season will begin in Zone 2 on Tuesday, October 21. View the city’s leaf collection zone map or sign up for leaf collection text alerts at Be sure to:
- Place leaves curbside, in your yard, not on sidewalk or in the street.
- Do not wet leaves. Frozen leaves may damage our vacuum equipment.
- Do not place leaves over water meter covers or other obstructions.
- Do not mix leaves with other brush, sticks or trash.
- Do not block leaf piles with vehicles.
For faster service during Leaf Season, you can bring bagged leaves to the ORANGE DUMPSTERS located in the Sportscenter Parking Lot on Hickman Avenue. These dumpsters are for use by city residents only.