The All A Classic Baseball State Tournament is coming to Owensboro in 2019. The tournament will include eight teams. Games will be played at Chatauqua Park. The tournament has been held in Lexington in the past.
“We’ve had successful All A softball tournaments in Owensboro. The city has served as a wonderful host for that tournament. Owensboro is so progressive and a wonderful place to visit. We wanted to have softball and baseball in the same place,” said Michael Duncan, All A board member.
In order to qualify to play in the tournament which will be held the weekend before the Kentucky Derby, schools must be among the smallest 120 schools in Kentucky.
“We’re honored to get to host this phenomenal tournament at the newly renovated Chatauqua Park. We’re going to do everything we can to make sure this first-class tournament stays in Owensboro for a long time,” said Jared Bratcher, Visit Owensboro Sports Director.